Senior Citizens Happenings

The 3rd Friday of every month Sharon United Methodist Church located at 3001 Shannon St, Sharon hosts a free Senior Luncheon.  The luncheon is from 11 am - 1 pm.  There is usually some type of entertainment provided. Donations are appreciated. 

Other senior opportunities: 
~ York County Council on Aging operates out of three locations, Clover, Fort Mill and York. 

~The York Senior Center is located at 14 N Congress Street in downtown York. The York Senior Center is a place of bustling activity and engaged seniors. Walk in and you'll see seniors engaged in bingo, puzzles, billiards, computer or exercise class, crocheting, or just chatting and drinking coffee. Along with a delicious, hot, home cooked meal, fun is on the menu here!
Open Monday - Friday ~ 8:30 am - 1:30 pm  ~ 803-684-6115

~ The YMCA has several locations throughout York County, please visit their website for programs offered:

~ Another great Senior resource is the South Carolina Department on Aging, visit their website at: